The Clumsy Toys (2022/2023)


不器用な玩具。 全曲を通して、常に多動的な、自己矛盾な倫理によって構成されている。 全ての展開が無意味で、ただ単に理不尽に翻弄され続けるのみ。

The Clumsy Toys. Throughout the entire piece, it is composed of a constantly hyperactive, self-contradictory ethics. Every development is meaningless, merely being tossed about irrationally.





In the first part, the music describes a box full of toys. At first glance, excessive elements intersect with one another, much like an easily bored child pulling out toys one after another and immediately discarding them. The instruments each repeat sporadic and unpredictable gestures.

The second part sees a deceptive development in the material. The grand fanfare that has been resonating over a long period of time is replaced by a comically ironic march which begin with a calssic.cadence.

The third part simultaneously offers a reprise of the first part while showcasing a new development. The episodes that appear between the materials expand, and this ultimately leads to a sudden shift to a grand tutti of minor triads.

The fourth and final part of the piece contrasts with the second part. The cadence appears again, but can't be maintained, and the piece struggles until it finally burns out.  


The Clumsy Toys for 7 Players

Premiered at the concert "Tokyo Duck Vol.1" by Kanae Kikuchi(Flute), Kanoko Kikuchi(Trumpet), Kaoru Tajima(Percussion), Nobuaki Satoh (Piano), Ryosuke Sugiyama(Violin I), Hikaru Mizutani(Violin II), Souta Kasaki(Cello)

Duration: 7 minutes

Date of composition: 2023 Aug

Instruments: Flute, Trumpet, Percussion, Piano,Violin I, Violin II, Cello

score is available